Detox-Kit® Oral Drops
These medicines act in accordance with homeopathic principles and is proposed for use in detoxifying the body from toxins.
Berberis-Homaccord® Drops: Proposed for use in inflammation and irritation (with or without concretions) in the region of the urogenital tract and the biliary duct. It activates the renal and biliary systems.
Lymphomyosot® N Drops: Proposed for use in lymphatism (tendency to hypertrophy of the lymphatic organs; tendency to formation of oedemas and to susceptibility to infections); glandular swelling; tonsillar hypertrophy; chronic tonsillitis. It activates the lymphatic system in order to detoxify the connective tissue and the mesenchyme.
Nux vomica-Homaccord® Drops: Proposed for use in functional disorders in the gastrointestinal and hepatic region; meteorism; disorders after consumption of alcohol, coffee or nicotine. It stimulates the gastrointestinal excretion pathway as well as the hepatic system (liver).
The usual dose is:
10 drops of each preparation in a little water 3 times daily. Hold in mouth 10-15 seconds before swallowing. The Detox-Kit® should be taken for 3 weeks; stopped for one week and taken for another 3 weeks.
Alternative directions for use: Pour 30 drops of each preparation in a bottle of spring water (0,7 - 1,5 litres), shake lightly and drink throughout the course of the day.
Lymphomyosot® N (30 ml Oral Drops)
30 ml cont.:
The active substances are: Myosotis arvensis D3 1,5 g; Veronica officinalis D3 1,55 g; Teucrium scorodonia D3 1,5 g; Pinus sylvestris D4 1,5 g; Gentiana lutea D5 1,5 g; Equisetum hiemale D4 1,5 g; Smilax D6 1,5 g; Scrophularia nodosa D3 1,5 g; Calcium phosphoricum D12 1,5 g; Natrium sulfuricum D4 1,5 g; Fumaria officinalis D4 1,5 g; Levothyroxinum D12 1,5 g; Araneus diadematus D6 1,5 g; Geranium robertianum D4 3 g; Nasturtium officinale D4 10 g; Ferrum jodatum D12 3 g.
The other ingredient is: Purified water.
Contains 35% v/v ethyl alcohol.
Nux vomica-Homaccord® (30 ml Oral Drops)
30 ml cont.:
The active substances are: Nux vomica D2 0,06 ml; Nux vomica D10 0,06 ml; Nux vomica D15 0,06 ml; Nux vomica D30 0,06 ml; Nux vomica D200 0,06 ml; Nux vomica D1000 0,06 ml; Bryonia cretica D2 0,06 ml; Bryonia cretica D6 0,06 ml; Bryonia cretica D10 0,06 ml; Bryonia cretica D15 0,06 ml; Bryonia cretica D30 0,06 ml; Bryonia cretica D200 0,06 ml; Bryonia cretica D1000 0,06 ml; Lycopodium clavatum D3 0,09 ml; Lycopodium clavatum D10 0,09 ml; Lycopodium clavatum D30 0,09 ml; Lycopodium clavatum D200 0,09 ml; Lycopodium clavatum D1000 0,09 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D3 0,09 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D10 0,09 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D30 0,09 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D200 0,09 ml.
The other ingredients are: Purified water, Ethanol 96 %.
Contains 35% v/v ethyl alcohol.
Berberis-Homaccord® (30 ml Oral Drops)
30 ml cont.:
The active substances are: Berberis vulgaris D2 0,12 ml; Berberis vulgaris D10 0,12 ml; Berberis vulgaris D30 0,12 ml; Berberis vulgaris D200 0,12 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D2 0,09 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D10 0,09 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D30 0,09 ml; Citrullus colocynthis D200 0,09 ml; Veratrum album D3 0,09 ml; Veratrum album D10 0,09 ml; Veratrum album D30 0,09 ml; Veratrum album D200 0,09 ml. The other ingredients are: Purified water, Ethanol 96 %.
Contains 35% v/v ethyl alcohol.
This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.